have sex
used to tell somebody to go away
To surpass means to go ahead or do better than,
They need to go to school for education to be somebody By Me
The expression "fair go" is an Australianism meaning - to give somebody a chance, ie. "give him a fair go, mate" to suggest somebody might be exaggerating, ie. "fair go, mate"
no there is enough people on that ride you can or if you are a wimp you go with somebody you know so you don't have to go with somebody.
They are either implying you sleep around or that you go through bofriends/girlfriends quickly and they definatly mean it in a bad way I'm afraid :/
Get somebody in your city/town if at all possible. Trust your instincts and dont sign a contract - open representation is the way to go.
if you hate the girl or boy, don't get all mean and be nasty to them. just let it go and find somebody else because they love your love TRULY and you're going to find somebody in life that you love truly.
the easier way is go to myspace.