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well it probably means that the man thinks of you as special to him or unique, in a good way

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Q: What does it mean to be far from being just another girl to a men.?
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If your boyfriend talks to another girl but he says he loves you does that mean he is lien?

No he is not lying. He could just be friends with her. If a guy talks to another girl does NOT mean hes being secular with her.. unless you herd him saying he loves her and then told you the same ; then you can start questioning him. Good luck.

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That he is just being mean, or he doesn't know how to tell you that he's not intrested.

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it doesnt mean anything your just having fun

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it means nothing. what does being a capricorn have to do with this situation? Many people stare at othersall the time that doesnt neccesarily mean that they all like each other its just simply a glance.

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Well, you can't tell that much, but if you mean seeing another girl, I don't know. If you mean talking to another girl, you are just really jealous. he just starts talking to another girl, and looking at you when he is talking to make you jealous. flirts with her, stuff like tht you will probaly see it, u don't have to ask

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he likes her

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Kinda but not really. You should think of it as just another girl that looks like you. (if you know what i mean)

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It could meen anything. She might just be being nice.

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i think its just being flirty

What does it mean when a girl says your name and smile?

Nothing she is just being friendly. Actually, this answer by just being 'friendly' isnt completely true, sometimes if she does so, it could mean she is interested in you.

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it may mean she is interested in being with you or she may just want to get to kmow you better

How do you keep a girl from being so mean to you when your nice to them but when you tease them they are mean to you still?

you should just walk away from her or talk to her