It could just mean that he loves you as a friend, like how girls tell there best friends I love you all the time. I wouldn't take it to seriously, unless he tries other things you dont normally do like hug, dont get me wrong lots of guy and girls who are just friends hug, but if you never hug and out of the blue he hugs you and says he loves you, there might be more to the stroy
if a guy say he loves u and them he dont talks to u he is not the one for u
he doesnt know if he loves u, or likez u as a friend.
No, he meant that he loves you as a friend not as a mate.
it means he doesn't want to go out with you but loves you like a friend or a sibling.
Your girlfriend still loves you. You're her boyfriend. When a girl says she loves her male best friend she means it in a family kind of way. As long as she still spends time with you and says she loves you, you have nothing to worry about
Most likely that he only loves you as a friend, like you love your friends but you wouldn't date them, well he feels the same about you.
It is possible, but not set in stone.
It can mean that the guy that told you is joking around about the crush thing or he can be serious but revealing his friend's secrets out just for fun and games. So it can pretty much mean anything on that part.
means what it says he really loves you and is really into you
He obviously likes you as a friend but doesn't have any interest towards you more than that.
that means he wants to be your friend.