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that happens all the time, especially when your new to periods. its normal. sometimes it just happens. but you should talk to your doctor if this happens more than once in a row.

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Q: What does it mean if you start your period then stop a day later?
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period is about to come to a complete stop

Can a period stop and start again?

yes it is normal

Can you start your pill on day 3 of your period?

No, as it will stop your period and you will have terrible pains, you can only start taking them when your off, and you have to do that till you stop taking the pill or you won't have your periods.

What does it mean when you start spotting four days after your period?

it means that you are coming to the end of your period and as you come to the end your flow will start spotting and eventually stop all together

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When taking Norethisterone to stop your period whilst on holiday will your next period be the same as usual or a week later?

The answer is unpredictable. If you used it temporarily, you may have withdrawal bleeding as soon as you stop, or you may have none. Your next period should show up no later than six weeks.

If you just started your period and want to skip it for the month can you take start the pill the same day you got your period will it stop it?

You can try, and doing so might stop your period.

What does it mean when your period just stop?

Ur pregnant

What does it mean when a girl is on her period and she stops bleeding for one day?

It really doesn't mean much. A period can last one day, but it can also stop and start. When that happens it usually happens because she had sex, is getting sick, or is under stress.

What does it mean when you still on your period after your period?

It means that you still on your period and it will stop shortly.If it doesnt get medical help.