maybe appendicitis
There are many possible causes. Cyst, benign tumor... There are lymph nodes in the area and you should have a doctor examine the lump.
It could be a hernia...definitely have it checked out by your veterinarian.
lower stomach area.
No, you need to do something with your doctor.
If you mean the Appendix, it is in the lower right side of the abdomen.
lower abdomen
It means that your lower ribs going into your abdomen are larger than normal.
The ileum is located in the lower abdomen, specifically in the lower part of the small intestine.
An appendicular lump is a localized collection of inflammatory tissue that typically forms in the right lower part of the abdomen as a complication of acute appendicitis. It is usually tender and can be felt during a physical examination. Treatment may involve surgical removal of the appendix and drainage of the lump if necessary.
It means that your lower ribs going into your abdomen are larger than normal.
its a size of a cyst or lump