it means may have some emotional issues that are frozen within you-you don't want to deal with them. Skating on ice-without falling- can signify that you are dealing with your difficult emotional issues very well.
It might mean that you should save your money because it will save you someday ========================================================= you should wake up and scratch faster?
Dont u mean ice cream?
The dream suggests being held down by something "icy" - cold and unfeeling. This image appears similar to the idea of a "glass ceiling," but with more dangerous implications. Something in the dreamer's life is holding him/her back in a rather threatening way. I"m not sure, but I just had this dream last night. I woke up feeling very uncomfortable, and happy to be alive.
By itself, ice cream has no particular significance. Consider how you felt in this dream, and what you did with that ice cream. Was there too much ice cream? not enough? Was it unreachable or were you sick of eating it? The meaning of the dream lies in your own emotions.
This phrase uses a simile, comparing someone's situation to being enclosed in a block of ice to emphasize feeling frozen or trapped.
If the question relates to a dream, it probably reflects something seen in a film or television show. The scene in the movie Cast Away starring Tom Hanks comes to mind, in which he knocked out a bad tooth using the blade of an ice skate.
This phrase typically refers to being immobilized or trapped in a strong or firm hold due to ice or cold temperatures. It conveys a sense of being firmly held or restricted by the icy conditions, making movement or escape difficult.
There is a few ways you can come close to making Chick-Fil-A ice dream. However there is not a way to get the real ice dream recipe.
they can tell you when the ice froze :$
in October
The Ice Dream - 2002 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG