You are reacting to the cleaning agent you are using, go see your professional body piercer.
Put you fingers around the tip of your nose so you can't breathe. Then close your mouth and press air against your cheeks causing pressure. The air should travel up to your ears and "pop" the bubble ==================================== 1. The above information could cause permanent damage. - As long as you don't hold your breath for too long or blow too hard. 2. A bubble in the ear lobe?? Do you mean a blister? - Bubble in the ear referring to a feeling of a bubble in your ear, usually occurring when in high altitudes. ==================================== It seems there is some confusion as to what constitutes the "ear lobe." It is the soft flesh at the lower extremity of the outer ear through which ear rings are frequently attached. Correct? The "bubble" was stated to be "in the ear lobe."
When their was a bubble in my ear, the doctor had said i had got the bubble because when i would shampoo, the rest of the soap wouldn't come off and would stay in my ear. And from that it made a bubble.
gluier are bubble's in your ear that are caused pressure on your ear drum
your ear likes the sound of bubble wrap popping
It's important to have the bubble on your dog's ear examined by a veterinarian to determine the cause and appropriate treatment. Depending on the diagnosis, treatment may involve draining the bubble, medication, or in some cases, surgery. Avoid squeezing or popping the bubble yourself as this can lead to infection or other complications.
if its an air bubble, get a safety pin and gently put it in the hole in your ear and move it round and it will pop ,it wont be sore,
Something that is not supposed to be in your ear - is in your ear!
It might mean that you have an ear feicton
The term 'bubble' comes from Rhyming Slang. Bubble Bath = Laugh
bubble gum
Depends on what you mean by "bubble" Caprice...