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you failed... in 2 months they will call you again for a re-take, so you have to study harder.

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Q: What does it mean if on a pregnancy test there is 2 horizontal lines?
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What do horizontal and vertical lines mean in pregnancy results?

my pregnancy test positive result should be vertical but is horizontal

What does it mean with life brand pregnancy test with a horizontal line in one box then a vertical line in another what does this mean?

you're not pregnant if those are the lines you see

What does it mean if no lines came up on your pregnancy test?

No baby for you.

What do the lines mean on a ept pregnancy test that is not digital?

your pregyyy

What does it mean if one of the lines on a pregnancy test disappears mean?

It Wasn't a accurate reading try a new test

CVS one step pregnancy test what does no lines mean?

the test is in conclusive. may be you did it worng or it is expired?

What does on vertical line in the results window of a pregnancy test mean?

if you have only 1 line after taking your home pregnancy test it mean that you are NOT pregnant, and if there are 2 lines on your home pregnancy test, then you are pregnant but should go to a docotor to confirm it.

What do 2 blue lines on a clear blue pregnancy test mean?

congrads your preggers!

What does 2 lines mean when you doing the quick vue pregnancy test?

that means your pregnant.

What do two blue lines on a pregnancy test mean?

two lines mean pregnant !

On a pregnancy test what is positive?

It could be 2 lines or it could show a plus sign. Depends on the pregnancy test you buy. But the box should tell yo what they mean.

What does one vertical and one horizontal stripe mean on a pregnancy test?

If the vertical and horizontal stripes are in the same window, then CONGRATS! if its a horizontal stripe in the first window and the vertical stripe in the control window, then you are not pregnant.