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I heard that before and they said it is an evaporation line from the urine mixing with the dye.

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Q: What does it mean if instead of a vertical line on an accu-clear pregnancy test there is a faint horizontal one?
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Think of the complex numbers as points on a coordinate system. Instead of the usual x-axis you have the real numbers, instead of the y-axis, you have the imaginary numbers.The real numbers are on the horizontal axis.The imaginary numbers are on the vertical axis.The complex numbers are any number on the plane.The non-real complex are, of course, any complex numbers that are not on the real number axis - not on the horizontal axis.Think of the complex numbers as points on a coordinate system. Instead of the usual x-axis you have the real numbers, instead of the y-axis, you have the imaginary numbers.The real numbers are on the horizontal axis.The imaginary numbers are on the vertical axis.The complex numbers are any number on the plane.The non-real complex are, of course, any complex numbers that are not on the real number axis - not on the horizontal axis.Think of the complex numbers as points on a coordinate system. Instead of the usual x-axis you have the real numbers, instead of the y-axis, you have the imaginary numbers.The real numbers are on the horizontal axis.The imaginary numbers are on the vertical axis.The complex numbers are any number on the plane.The non-real complex are, of course, any complex numbers that are not on the real number axis - not on the horizontal axis.Think of the complex numbers as points on a coordinate system. Instead of the usual x-axis you have the real numbers, instead of the y-axis, you have the imaginary numbers.The real numbers are on the horizontal axis.The imaginary numbers are on the vertical axis.The complex numbers are any number on the plane.The non-real complex are, of course, any complex numbers that are not on the real number axis - not on the horizontal axis.

How do you write the letter E?

Draw one vertical straight line, with three horizontal lines extending from it.

What is the meaning of t-tail aircraft?

Most typical aircraft have a conventional tail layout that looks like an upside down 'T' with the vertical stabilizer intersecting the horizontal stabilizer at its bottom end. A T-tail aircraft has the horizontal stabilizer at the top of the vertical stabilizer. So instead of an upside down 'T', it looks like a proper 'T'. For an example see the link below.

What Blinds Are Right For The Windows?

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