Nothing in particular - he could have been talking about you and pointed you out to whomever it was to show you to them, he could be just pointing to bother you, he could have actually been pointing in your direction and it actually had nothing to do with you. I wouldn't read too much into it.
It doesn't mean that he is better then him at everything, he probably has just had more practice at the sport.
He's saying "Damn, that butt is mighty fine" or something along those lines.
he wants to pound her
It is a non-verbal public sign of approval. Was he drunk at the time and with his buddies?
Um... not something you see everyday well... he could either just wanting to be into the action or he actually was defending you
It is used as good play stickers. They have points for a player and goals for each guy and if they reach them the get a sticker(s).
what does points of interest mean
If you mean guy, yes he is a guy. If you mean gay, no he is not gay.
if you mean ageing points they age you horse by to months if you mean points you get in sports you don't have those you have a ranking
what do you mean by points? do you mean angles or sides?
Hit Points or heath points
i have earned 1150 the other guy beat my record by 25 points i was in 6th grade and i viewed it as amazing but still that other guy beat me >:0....