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it means that he really does like you. this is only if you think he likes you but he is just too nervous to show it. that happened to me in 2009.

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Q: What does it mean if a guy knows you like him and just ignores you?
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If a guy knows you love him is nice but ignores you and talks to other girls that like him what does it mean does he hate you?

He might like you back, and he is just to shy to ask you out. I don't think he hates you but is either playing hard to get or just doesn't like you and doesn't want to hurt your feelings.

What does it mean when a guy acts like he likes you then just kind of ignores you?

He likes you but wants to know if you like him too.

When a guy gets over protective of you and then you find out he knows you like him and has known for ages but ignores you the next week does that mean he has no feelings for you?

i will tell you in about 100 years

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It doesn't like you

If a guy is always staring often and then he ignores you what does that mean?

Like straight up ignores you? well, he maybe doesnt like you anymore?If you mean he like turns his head when you notice,he likes you.

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What does it mean when you tell a guy you don't like them and he ignores you?

Hes probably is just taking a break to contemplate on what just happened and how come you said that, I think?

What does it mean if a guy you like ignores your friend request on facebook?

It may mean tht he didn't know it was u or he just doesn't like u as a person, which sucks but yeah

Theres times your crush ignores you and days he doesnt why?

When a person that you like sometimes ignores you an sometimes they don't can mean a few things. It could mean that the person is busy or it could mean that it the person does not like you as much as you like them.

What does it mean if a guy who knows you like him gives you dirty looks and squints his eyes He ignores you and deleted you off Facebook and told someone you are beautiful but he hates you?

Either accept it means what he say, or ask him yourself. No one here knows.

What does it mean if he ignores you every second week?

He doesn't like you

What if you likes this girl and she knows you like her but she acts like she likes your best friend?

She might not be interested in you. Just because she knows you like her doesn't mean she will like you back.