They are then calling you hot/attractive basically.
it means that he thinks your sweet or hot and he has a crush on u
Same as 'knockout' it means you're cool/hot. .................or a killer.
he's triyng to tell you that you look pretty , or hot .....or he's just playing with you .
If a guy calls you "kid", it is a term of endearment.
It Means He is lookin at Ur face: 1.if a guy calls u pretty then he's lookin at Ur face2.if a guy calls u hot then he's lookin at Ur body3.if a guy calls u beautiful then he's lookin at Ur
was that guy handsome? if was you might be in big trouble, ok? try to convince your girl friend by doing nice stuff for her..Would that mean you like your girlfriend less if you saw a hot girl and told your friends about the hot girl??
a bodybuilt guy
Chicken means; hot guy/boy. So if you see a girl scream chicken whilst looking at a guy she means to say " he is really hott!!" :P (T.C.S; means 'the chicken stare', when a hot guy gives you a stare!)
either not good looking because a fire hydrant puts out HOT fires or good looking
usually when a guy call a girl hot to your face you will most likely blush and smile