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It means he called you a large hairy man

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Q: What does it mean if a guy call you bear?
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Oh, dude, like, you call it a wet bear. I mean, come on, it's not rocket science. Bears get wet in the rain, just like we do. So yeah, it's a wet bear. Pretty straightforward, right?

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If you call a girl a teddy bear it means that you think she's cute :D Or it means that you are chubby and adorable as a friend

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its when your being used

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the meaning of Guy Vanderhaeghes is that the bear is dancing like a bear

What does bear mean in slang?

A bear is a homosexual slang word meaning a large, hairy guy. Often, but not always, bears are chubby and round.

If a guy call you my little girl mean?

he treats you as his sister

What does it mean when a girl call a guy her homie is it her boyfriend?

You are friendzoned.

What does it mean when a guy says he wants to bear your children?

It means he wants to have your babies. However, to "bear children" implies that he will give birth which is obviously impossible.

What does mean when a guy smiles at you for 2 years?

You should probably call the morgue cause that guy is dead!