it means that he is in love with u and he wants more than just kissing...if u know what i mean!!!
he is after ALOT more!!
If you mean "au revoir", this is French for "Goodbye".
Well duh! It means he really likes you! If he only kisses you on the cheek for a goodbye then it means he's not interested, but if he kisses you on the cheek on your first date its means he doesn't want to take it too fast, which is a good thing!
"lot of kisses", it's used as an informal and very friendly goodbye
If you mean 'adieu', it is French for goodbye.
It normally means that he is afraid of commitment and doesn't want it publicly shown. You need to show him that you are there and will always be there for him and hope he notices and becomes a bit more open.
it means goodbye
It translates to "oh but if you know how to talk haha kisses take care goodbye" in English.
Translation: Thanks and Kisses
Assuming you mean "Goodbye", the French is "Au revoir". Hnefatl
You can say "beaucoup de bisous" in French to mean "lots lots of kisses".
Muchas Gracias (always with c) con muchos besitos means: Thank you very much, lots of kisses, this is how Latin (French, Spaniards, Italians) or Latin American girls say goodbye to close loved friends (with a cheek kiss) see: Cheek kissing
It means he CARES about you. No he doesn't like you or love you or anything, he simply just cares at this stage.