He is so cool slang: Bichin
because they think that the guy likes good girls
This when you send a mail which has pornography in it. So people can get a bonor over it and girls can start getting her boobies out, and start kissing thier female friends-becoming lesbians.
That means when you break it it will form a smooth flat surface. Slate has near perfect cleavage so it's used to make pool tables and blackboards.
It gets colder. And the energy increases so the particles move further apart.
that is so fetch..!
You listen to what girls have to say and obey.
If it's from 'Mean Girls', then it probably means something in the line of cool, or awesome.
say so are you (if you mean it) and smile when you say it.
its so cool and to see their stuff but its cool wen girls sag to but not past ther nees
girls go games. it so fun IF YOU LOVE DESIGHNING
Most of the time they either say that to be cool or if they like you. I am a guy myself and i say that so i know.
Because Aphrodite says so.
It's a reference to the movie Mean Girls. Gretchen keeps trying to make 'fetch' into a word for 'cool', and Regina says, "Gretchen, stop trying to make fetch happen". So if someone says that they mean that you're trying too hard to be funny or using a word that doesn't exist too much.
yes, because conrad says so lop
yes he is so popular and flurt with girls
he is so cool and awesome he is hot a lot of girls like him