

Best Answer

you are close friends or she likes you but is to shy to ask
Well, she could

A. Really like your friendship an thinks that your trustworthy


B. Really like you and wants to talk to you because she thinks your such a good guy or thinks ur cute ;D

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12y ago
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14y ago

often times it means she wants to be in your space. an invasion of space is a clear sign of liking someone. where does she look when she is standing close to you?? and does she only stand close to you, or does she stand very close to all guys/girls? some people are just less subcontious of space than others..but usually, it means something

also, which way does she face when she stands closee? if she stands exactly parallel, facing you, persistant eye contact and smiling, YES there is a 99% chance she likes you, wants to get a closer look, or thinks you smell good.

if she stands sideways/next to you and rarely makes eye contact, she is probably more likely to be someone just les subcontious of personal space.

~r u her friend, or do you KNOW she has feeling for you???

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4mo ago

It could mean that she is developing an interest in you and is trying to connect with you on a deeper level. She may be trying to establish common ground and build rapport with you.

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14y ago

Most likely, yes. You'll never know for SURE, unless you ask. So, ask.

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10y ago

Well, if it was a boy, it would probably mean that he's talking to someone. If it's a girl, though, who knows what it might mean.

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13y ago

maybe she has a crush on you?

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Q: What does it mean if a girl starts talking to you more and talking about things that we have in common and getting interested in things that you are interested in?
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