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It is likely that she wants you closer to her heart, either to hear it beating or just for the sake of feeling emotionally closer to each other.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 11mo ago

This act can indicate comfort, closeness, and a desire to provide emotional support or nurture. It may suggest feelings of affection or intimacy between the two individuals.

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Q: What does it mean if a girl puts your head in her chest?
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What if a girl puts a hat on your head?

Then she likes you :)

When a girl puts her head on your chest?

It could be a sign of comfort, intimacy, or affection. This physical gesture often conveys trust and a desire for closeness in a relationship.

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No it isn't but as i am a girl and another girl put her head on his shoulder i would flip out but its not cheating! x

What does it mean when a woman while sitting or standing and talking to a man puts her hands behind her head and stretches so that her chest puffs out while maintaining eye contact with the man?

It means she's a whore.

What does it mean when a girl puts her hands in another girl's front pockets?

It could mean anything... What does it mean when you walk with your friends? Lol.

What does it mean when your guy friend puts his arm over you when you're a girl?

Then he has a thing for you girl.

What does it mean when a girl puts out?

In this context, "put out" means have sex.

What does it mean it when a girl puts i like it on the floor as her status?

Ask her!

What does it mean when a dog puts his head against you?

it means the dog likes you

Is there a meaning if a guy puts his hand over the girl's head?

Because they will be love with one another

How do you know if a girl will give you oral?

If she lays her head in your lap a lot or if she just goes down on you. Anytime a girl intentionally puts her head by your genitals it's a good indication she wants to give you head. ;)

What does it mean when a woman while sitting or standing and talking to a man puts her hands behind her head and stretches so that her chest puffs out and her back arches while maintaining eye contact?

It means she wants you to notice her breasts.