To me it would mean she wants to have sex.
But you can start by smiling and kissing her. Dont through her on the floor and start wrippin off her clothe!
You should put a water softener that puts out more than 15 gpm so that it is able to accommodate the 5 gpm.You should find a water softener that puts out more than 15gpm to accommodate the 5 gpm.
Between 2$ and 3$ a inch (measured at the widest part). More trees on one lot puts price per tree down.
According to the below website, your BMI is at 48.7, which puts you largely above healthy weight. A healthy BMI should be between 18.5 and 24.9. So according to some rouch calculations, at your height a healthier weight would be closer to say, 160 lbs.
IF you are BUYING the option, neither is necessarily more risky than the other. The longer the expiration date, the more likely the market will go up, so the call becomes more appealing. In both, the most you can loose is the premium paid. IF you are SELLING the option, selling the put is more risky. Because a stock can technically go to infinity, you have unlimited loss potential. When selling a call, you can only loose up to the value of the stock as long as the call is covered. I just read the above's backward. Puts exercise if the share price is below the strike price, not above. You can potentially lose everything between the strike price and zero--I'm neglecting the premium for now. If you write calls, you can lose everything between the strike price and the share price. If it's a covered call, it's a paper loss, but if you write naked calls you lose real money. It depends on the writer's investment strategy. Churners are more at risk with puts than are buy-and-hold guys. If I own a lot of stock that's at $102, believe it's really worth that, and want more of it anyway, why wouldn't I want to write a put with a seven-day expiration period at $100 with a $5 premium? This brings the price of the stock down to $95 per share, which is a great deal! Churners approach puts tactically: they subtract the premium from the expiration price. In this case, that would be $95. If they think the stock will be lower than $95, they know they can buy it from a broker cheaper so the put's a bad investment. If it's between $95 and $100, they'll use part of the premium to pay for the stock so it starts to look like a better deal. Writing calls is either moderately risky or unbelievably insane. If you're in a covered call, all you can lose is the difference between the share price and the strike price, and that's "paper wealth" anyway. The flipside of a covered call is that it stabilizes transactional income. If you're trying to get out of a position slowly, or you've got so much of it you can afford to shed some, selling a thousand shares at $100 in a covered call means you know there will be $100,000 more in your brokerage account at the end of the deal. A naked call--you offer to sell stocks you don't own in a transaction where "in the money" means share price is higher than strike price--is different: these are so risky a lot of investment houses won't trade in them. If you write a naked call for 10,000 shares at $100 and the stock shoots up to $140, you need to pull $400,000 out of thin air right now. If you write the same call and the stock drops to $70, you're golden: someone probably paid you $10 per share to do that. far as futures contracts go, here are the relative risk levels: Low Covered puts Naked puts (slightly riskier because, as with all naked transactions, there's a chance the security won't be available when the option exercises) Covered calls Casino gambling Naked calls High
It means you are making major progress in something. It can refer to a career move, political move, change in relationship status, etc. that is made by choice and that puts a person far ahead of where they were before the change. Just like a toddler's first big step is part of a lifetime of walking, certain other actions can be just as much progress. Proposing to someone would be taking a big step toward marriage.The astronaut, Neil Armstrong, popularized the phrase when he took the first human step on the moon. As the first human to step onto the moon, he was comparing the literal and the idiomatic meanings of the word step when he spoke the famous quote, "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." (The sentence is often quoted without the word a because it was not heard on Earth due to the quality of the radio signal with which he was transmitting.) He compared his literal footstep on the moon with all the great things that could eventually come from that.
to hold her hand.
Run away.
means he wants to go out with you
The Boy puts his hands on the girls waist, and the girl puts her right hand on his back, and her left hand on his left shoulder. If you are at a school dance the guy puts his hands on the girl's waist and the girl puts her hands on the guy's shoulders.
Retard, Wasteing peoples time.
it means 'feel my leg I've just shaved'
He either likes you more than friends or he is a pervert that touches every girl by body language.
it means that she wants you to lick her peach for 29348 hours
If he likes her, definitely.
He wants to have sex!
Because they will be love with one another
It could mean anything... What does it mean when you walk with your friends? Lol.