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Then it just may mean he either likes you, or one of your are just boring..... lol!

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Q: What does it mean if a conversation between you and a guy you like is awkward?
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What is the actual definition of 'awkward'?

Uncoordinated. Out of place. Can also mean embarrassing, as in, "When there was an awkward silence in the conversation."

What does merp mean on facebook?

A word without a meaning, used in awkward silences to restart a conversation.

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A word without a meaning, used in awkward silences to re-start a conversation.

What does merp mean Jersey Shore?

A word without a meaning, used in awkward silences to re-start a conversation.

What does it mean when a guy you like tells your friend that he doesnt want it to get awkward between you and him after he rejected you?

girl it means he dosent like you get over it

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It's sort of like a word they use when there's nothing better to say.

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A "party to the conversation" means a person involved in it. For example, a conversation between two people has two parties to the conversation. A conversation between 7 people has 7 parties to the conversation.

What does awkward mean?

Awkward means clumsy, inelegant.Weird, odd kind of like a uncomfortable silence "awkward silence."Not knowing what it means is awkward :s

What does aga mean in chat conversation?

It can mean like 'yup' or 'yeah' in a reply towards a conversation.

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Dialogue means a conversation between two people.

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Formal conversation is professional conversation that occurs between people who have a formal relationship. It is less casual than informal conversation and maintains a tone of respect and professional language.

What does it mean when a girl says awkward?

When a girl says something is awkward, she is likely indicating that the situation or conversation feels uncomfortable, embarrassing, or out of place for her. It could suggest that she is feeling self-conscious or unsure in that moment.