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Depends on how well you know him. If you don't know him and are just walking by he is being rude and needs to be reported to the school office. He has no right to touch your body. If you are dating him and have a close relationship it can be all right in the right place. For some boys it is a means of showing possession to other boys. It all depends on the situation and relationship.

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11mo ago

Touching someone's butt without their consent is inappropriate and can be considered as sexual harassment. It's important to communicate clearly to the person that their actions are not acceptable and to set boundaries. If the behavior continues or makes you uncomfortable, seek help from a trusted adult or authority figure.

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13y ago

He wants to do you in the bhole.

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Q: What does it mean if a boy touches your butt?
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It means she is sexually harassing the man.

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It means he has yet to learn some good manners and is in danger of receiving some form of punishment sooner or later

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it means that who ever told the boy to look at your butt likes you.

If a boy touches you what does it mean?

It depends on how he touches you if he pokes you he's bugging you as a friend but if he rubs you on ur side he likes you

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it mean's they like/love you and they wanna have sex with you

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If a boy has his butt pointed at you does that mean he likes you?

Where he points his butt has absolutely nothing to do with whether he likes you.

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They are very good friends

What does it mean when a boy touches his leg to yours?

It means different things, depending on the relationship. You did not mention what the boy is to you.

If a boy stares at your butt and his eyes glow what does that mean?

its shiny