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It means that they probably have had too much sex

Edit: Lol XD

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Q: What does it mean if a boy butt is big?
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What does it mean if a guys says you have a big butt?

When a person comments that someone has a "big butt," they are making a subjective observation about the size of that individual's buttocks. This statement can be interpreted in various ways depending on the context and tone in which it is said. It is important to consider the intention behind the comment and how it makes the recipient feel, as body shaming or objectification can be hurtful and disrespectful.

What does it mean when a boy tell another boy to look at your butt?

it means that who ever told the boy to look at your butt likes you.

Why are boy's butt big and girl's butts small?

Butt is the question indeed .com

If a boy has his butt pointed at you does that mean he likes you?

Where he points his butt has absolutely nothing to do with whether he likes you.

What does it mean when a boy cat licks a boy cat's butt?

They are very good friends

If a boy stares at your butt and his eyes glow what does that mean?

its shiny

What does it mean when a boy puts his butt on your leg?

Run away.

what does it mean when boy hit with there hand on a girl butt?


Does having a big butt mean you'll have a big chest?


You are a girl and a boy came to you and grabbed and pinched your butt what does this mean?

did it hurt?

Is a boy in to you if he watches you shake your butt?

Yes !what ealse isitgonna mean?

If you are a 17 year old boy who is in good shape but his butt sticks out a good amount how would you go about to make it flatter?

hey dont worry about how big your butt is. trust me some girls out there love a guy with a big butt!