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It meens you have been sleeping with other ppl with/without a boy/girlfriend

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Q: What does it mean have been skipping with people here and there?
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Skipping a meal doesnt necessarily mean that you will gain weight, but it will make you want to eat a little more than regular to make up for that lost meal. So that's where, I would think, people would get the idea that skipping meals make you gain weight.

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62568765786190659716786785687`8537895789348975`238945`278356r4`2684536`346158968687972695789568796578946478628745 642576789651478565178645637891465478955165 people.

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It's Indalo, the Rainbow Man :)

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There are mean people in every country. I'm sure there are mean people in Mexico too. Just like there are here in the U.S. Every country has mean and nice people. Some more than others.

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because people have been mean to that person and thats why that people r mean to the new kids

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If you mean, "How have you been pop?" Here it is: ¿Como has estado papa?