he's probably just thinking about the things you guys have done together, or he's just simply checking our your rear end.
it means that who ever told the boy to look at your butt likes you.
It means that he is having an affair, and you should kick his butt to the curb....
That depends.......what do you think when you look at your butt in the mirror?
I think it depends on what you mean by bigger? JLo's butt juts out more if you look at their profiles. Kim's butt is much wider though.
I am a girl and my friend always wear jeans that make her butt look HUGE Her butt is a normal size female butt. Girls have normal butts it is the jeans that make them look big
What does a butt mean? It is on a person. Right? What does a butt mean? It is on a person. Right?
Gwen Stephani
her butt
no!! Jo's butt ugly,mean, and selfish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
your butt wil look fast on a skinny seat.
You can not. However, you could make your butt bigger if you want to make your butt look bigger in anything. Just eat and sit on your butt, and it will grow.
trying to look impressive but do something to mess it up ex: clumsiness