nothing it is perfectly normal.... it should pass if not go see your local doctor for help
Can u be pregnant if urn on urn period
if your period comes on early does that mean that you are not pregnant?
You got your period early!
It could be that your period is early by a week
If your period was very short and light as well as early there is a possibility that it was an implantation bleed. If your period was normal except that it was 2 days early then it was probably just an early period.
There is not a problem if you start your period a week early. It is completely normal for this to happen.
been on my period for 2 weeks what does that mean
Probably nothing.
It happens.....
There is no set number of days a period, sometimes they are shorter and sometimes they are longer
It could mean you are pregnant, have irregular periods, hormonal imbalance or you have had a light and early period this month for no reason.