IDR stand for Infantry Drill Regulation.
100.00 IDR=0.0106270 Usd (US dollars)1 USD = 9,410.00 IDR
Indonesia uses the Rupiah (ISO 4217 Code IDR). As of 09Oct09 1 US Dollar was worth 9450 IDR.
yea to be a rocket but IDR WHAT IT IS
Indonesian Rupiah (IDR)
a chat at Christmas
If by IDR you mean internal dispute resolution, the answer is possibly. First, read your governing documents to determine your responsibilities to pay your assessments, which the association uses to pay for operating the community. You can read more about this process, below -- without endorsement of Davis Sterling.
It means disgusting or foul.
Le chat means 'the cat' in English.
it does mean ( OK ).
IDR , indonesian rupiah
John smith and idr the other