It's just icky I think
Speh-sif-ick Spuh-sif-ick Spih-sif-ick Like tomato and potato- they can be pronounced different ways.
I wouldn't think so since ick is a scale sickness and you don't have scales. My fish once had ick (their better now) and I didn't get sick with ick. but maybe you should ask an employee at a pet store.
that mean he ick Lolz He answer that He fine N he answer i'm not fine so funn9i Huhuhuhuh
Yes, ick is highly contagious. Fish get it when they are stressed out, depressed, and/or weak. Ick is believed to be in water already.It spreads very quickly from one fish to another and you have to treat it right away. To treat ick, take the infected fish to a vet or use a home remedy such as salt or heat.
William Ick has written: 'Remarkable plants, observed growing spontaneously in the neighbourhood of Birmingham'
text mean massage
Ick :p
Am - ick - a - bull