Hrm is the total knowage skills cratiablity and talents of an orgination works force.
mj means michael jackson or michael jorden or something innapropreit
Pain in *ss
instant messaging
at the beginging of the 1980's
It means : In my opinion . (:
It means hate
Smh in text messaging basically means shaking my head
that means adios
WOW means cool
Usually means 'to be read'
does text messaging effect writing outside of text messaging
In text messaging, "WRUD" often means "What Are You Doing?". Can be used in any tense, "WRUD right now?", "WRUD this weekend?" and so on.
Text messaging is on your ohone while instant messaging is in your computer (AIM)
No, WikiAnswers does not have a text messaging service.
lol means laugh out loud
"QRS" generally means to send messages slower.