6 pregnancies, 3 full term, 1 premature, 1 abortion (spontaneous or otherwise), and 4 living children.
Gravida 6 means 6 pregnancies Para 3 means 3 live births A2 means 2 aborted N3 should mean 3 living children
6 pregnancies, 4 children born at > 20 wks gestation and 1 abortion
6 pregnancies 2 full term 1 premature 2 abortions 3 living children
A Olhar Para Cima - 2003 is rated/received certificates of: Portugal:M/6
Una para todas - 2002 Las Ex 1-6 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:Atp
Spoed - 2000 De para 6-13 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:MG6 (Geweld/Angst/Grof Taalgebruik)
the provide details
Daqui Para Lado Nenhum - 2005 is rated/received certificates of: Portugal:M/6
HUBERTUS HOFMANN has written: 'Sonatina bucolica para violino e piano' '6 momentos musicais para piano' 'Triozet para violino, violoncelo e piano'
Un trono para Cristy - 1960 is rated/received certificates of: West Germany:6
Translation: Sólo para seis horas.
TRADOC Reg 350-6, para. 2-10