green and hes a glob of goop with a UFO above his head green and hes a glob of goop with a UFO above his head green he's a glob of goop with a UFO above his head
Yes humans come in all diffrant forms like fish do. A human in another form is called an alien. You can look up the greys they are human in another form.
What does diffusion look like? No a picture of what it looks like
Presumably this graph would register velocity vs. time. Presuming velocity on the y-axis and time on the x-axis, the graph would look like a half parabola. The person would accelerate infinitely. The key is that the force is "unbalanced." A person falling reaches equilibrium, ie. terminal velocity, when the upward force of wind resistance equals the downward force of gravity. Without some check to the acceleration, the person would accelerate faster and faster, forever.This is, of course, a purely hypothetical supposition. There is no such situation where this would occur. Even a person falling into a black hole would have a finite fall.
It look like a ball and it has a small ball inside
You may look like your grandfather for many different reasons. You may look like your grandfather because you have some of the same genes as him. Hope this helps!
Green,sticky,gooy2 green eyes,and a space ship that controils him. Green,sticky,gooy2 green eyes,and a space ship that controils him.
it looks like my chocolot salty balls!
GoopGoop is a gelatinous creature of indeterminate species. Goop can stretch and shape shift and reform limbs due to his gelatinous form (hence the name Goop). His slime is controlled by a small UFO like object, which is also where his voice comes from. However, if the UFO is separated from the slime from even a small amount, then the slime will collapse onto the ground, in which the UFO must collect up the slime for it to have structure again. Goop can shoot out acid as seen in "Good Copy, Bad Copy". It has been hinted that the acid is used for Goop to digest his food. Retrieved from ""
No Goop does not hack, He has a mod that makes it look like hes hacking.
He has a black body and white hands Powers: thoughts become reality
left arm swampfire right arm chromastone legs goop botom left echo botom right humongsaur head jet ray wings bigchill legs brainstorm tail spidermonkey body alien x left arm swampfire right arm chromastone legs goop botom left echo botom right humongsaur head jet ray wings bigchill back brainstorn tail spidermonkey body alien x
He has three horns on his head , a white outline , he has black skin and little stars all over his body. I saw him on
The name is Green Alien
Def an alien
If you go to youtube look up Ben 10 alien force season 3 you will see diamondhead chromastone cannonbolt and more
they look like a alien but looks like an animated.