Going down when used in this context means to perform oral sex on a girl
'Going down on a guy' refers to felatio or a 'blow job'- sexually pleasing a male using oral stimulation on the penis 'Going down on a girl' refers to cunnilingus or 'eating out a girl'-sexually pleasing a female by orally stimulating her vaginal area
It's slang for going down on a girl aka tongue action.
Your High
Dating them
he simply mean that he is tired of the girl! He might be having premature ejaculation and wants the sex to last longer. The relationship is going forward to fast and he wants to slow it down.
Not right now. Maybe later.
this means the girl is somewhat "easy" or loose for exmple: "You think i can smash?"..."Yeah she going bro."
a nice girl .....
she is not going to answer the call
She is going to have a baby.
you never know what will happen. EXAMPLE Bob: Hey, i know that girl down the street is going to ask me out, not you. Joe: Bob, you never know...
Performing oral sex.