

Best Answer

Well, different people say different things but I personally think that it feels sort of like a bee sting at first then when it numbs it starts to feel a little better..

Another opinion:

I personally think it feels like tons and tons of pinches after each other!

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Q: What does getting a tattoo feel like?
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What will happen if you do get a tattoo?

you skin will feel tender after getting a tattoo. it will feel like you have a sun burn more that anything its not painful but not pleasent.

What does a collar bone area tattoo feel like?

A collar bone area tattoo will feel like any other tattoo; it will hurt.

Is getting tattoos removed painful?

Getting a tattoo removed can be extremely painful ! When you get a tattoo removed it usually just leaves a scar of what the tattoo is, it's almost like getting a scarification tattoo, there is honestly no point in even getting a tattoo removed, you will still have it on your skin.

Can you get chlamydia from getting a tattoo?

You will not get chlamydia from getting a tattoo.

Does a star tattoo on your wrist hurt?

not really it feel like funny and tickle

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Pros on getting a tattoo at the legal age?

IMHO, there are no pros to getting a tattoo.

Is smoking weed before getting a tattoo a good idea?

Smoking marijuana before getting a tattoo should have no effect to the tattoo process. Other pain killers like Advil before a tattoo on the other hand will thin your blood and cause bleeding during the process.

How do you stop skin from breaking out after getting a tattoo?

Using the petroleum jelly and the creams like bepanthen will prevent the skin from breaking out after getting a tattoo. They will prevent the skin from breaking out by keeping them moist.

Are getting permanent tattoos painful?

This is all up to how you decide to handle it. gettin a tattoo or piercing releases a chemical from your body and if you let it will make you feel like your on top of the world however if you ignore this and want/think about the pain you'll surly feel it

What does having a tattoo feel like?

It feels like little needles going into your skin. The pain depends on where you get the tattoo. Areas that are more bony hurt more than fleshy areas.

When getting a tattoo can it you sore?

Yes tattoos can hurt. Tattoos can feel like a bad sun burn for a few day after you get one. Also some areas of the body can be more sensitive to tattoos then others.