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"Friend request sent" means that a message has been sent to the person you want to add as a friend, informing them of your friendship request.

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Q: What does friend request sent mean?
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Does pending on twitter mean request refused?

No it means your request has been sent and the person will have a notification of your friend request.

How do you send another friend request on facebook if you rejected it before?

1. If you mean that the person rejected your request, then go to their profile. You will see Friend Request Sent. Click on that and underneath it will write on the bottom of the drop down menu Cancel Request. Click on this, then try to send the request again.2. If you mean that somebody sent you a request and you rejected, just go on the friend notification bar and click see all friend requests you will see it there.

What does it mean when the add friend button on facebook isn't in color?

It means that you have already sent a friend request to this person.

Can you get viruses from Cafe World on Facebook?

This might sound a little complicated to understand but if your friends friend sent your friend a request to join it, and your friend sends you a request that she got from her friend and the friend that is her friend that you don't know gave her the request that she sent you, then you have a 50% chance of getting a virus.

Where do you go on miniclip to accept a friend request?

to accept a friend request you just have to go on your player page in notifications. from there you will see if anyone sent you a friend request.

Can you cancel a friend request after it has been sent on league of legends?


If you sent Selena Gomez a friend request on Facebook would she accept it?


Ex boyfriend sent a friend request which was accepted he sent it because we haven't talked in a little over a week even though he deleted me first what does it mean?

It could mean it feels bad, he wants to be "friends", he misses you, or he still has mixed feels about you.

When i request that answer be sent why do you require friend's email?

We do not require a friend's email address. We use your email address for you to get notifications of an answer to a question you asked.

How do you delete your own friend request that the other party has not accepted on Facebook?

Just hold your cursor over the "Friend Request Sent" button and wait for the box to pop up. Then select cancel request. Not sure if they will be notified that you canceled it?

How do you check who has sent you a friend request on facebook?

When you go to, you will see, in the upper-left corner, the word facebook, 3 dark blue icons, and then the search bar. In order from left to right, the icons mean Friend requests, Messages, and Notifications. If you have a friend request (or a message or notification) there will be a red box with a number inside it on top of whatever you have. Click on it and that is where your friend requests will be.

How do you accept friend requests on ooVoo?

They Have To Sent you a request , then their card is gonna pop up & you hit : OK