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that they can hold it over the heads of white people forever and can one day (today) have reverse racism and have it be accepted

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Q: What does freedom mean to former slaves?
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How did former slaves envision freedom?

former slaves envision freedom from few former slaves were able to own land

Why was freedmen's bureau established?

to help former slaves make the change to freedom...

What agency helped former slaves adjust to freedom?


What was a major goal of the Freedom's Bureau?

To educate former slaves.

What reconstruction measure led to the education of former slaves?

The Freedom's Bureau group helped educate many former slaves when they were emancipated.

What did freedom mean to slaves in the south?

it mean that they free from slaves

What organization was established to help former slaves transition in to a life freedom?

The Freemen's Bureau

Is Freedmen's Bureau related to slaves?

The Freedman's Bureau was created to aid former slaves in their new freedom. The Bureau attempted to offer education opportunities as one method to integrate former slaves and even Blacks who were not slaves in US society.

What does Abraham Lincoln mean to you?

the freedom of the slaves

How did southern whites limit the freedom of former slaves?

i dont know but you stink like poo

Why did southern state adopt black codes?

to limit the economic and physical freedom of former slaves

What was the name of the organization established to help former slaves make the change into freedom?

The Freedmen's Bureau