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Flirt means: to make someone interested in you.

It's when someone behaves around you in a non-serious fashion, but have sexual interest in a person. Do it to someone that you are attracted to, or that you have a liking for.

Men like girls. Men will do any of these things to get a girls attention: stand tall, muscular, cowpoke stance, etc. anything that will get a girl's attention.

Flirting is when a guy/girl do subtle things to show they are interested in someone, without straight up telling them.

For example, when girls flirt they will bat their eye lashes touch a guy's arm while complimenting him and laugh at EVERYTHING they say

When guys flirt they will: wink, compliment on the persons appearance

and talk about dirty things ( no one really knows why ).

Flirting is a fun thing to do, just make sure you don't take it too far.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Flirting means that if someone likes someone else, they do something to make the other person notice them. They'll try to do something witty, and try to make someone realize they like them.

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Not necessarily. It could just mean he is a little attracted to her. But, he is most likely flirting with her.

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She's flirting

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really what you are doing is flirting with him

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