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"Felt Up" is a general term reffering to when a boy feels a girls breast's (boobs) or runs his hands all over her body. Another name for this could also be to "Grope" somebody.

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8mo ago

"Felt up" is a slang term that typically refers to inappropriately touching or groping someone without their consent, usually in a sexual manner. It is a form of sexual harassment or assault.

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What does felt you up mean?

The original meaning of "felt up" is when a guy or girl "touches" someone else in a sexual manner. But in general it means to "touch".

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Felt is already the past tense of feel, so nothing. If you mean felt as in the proccess making wool into felt cloth, then it is "felted".

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Felt fabric does not require a turned up hem. Actually, a turned up hem on felt might be too bulky to hang or look right.

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How and why did you put up this site?

Felt like it