Enslaved means:
if someone was enslaved, then they would have been made into a slave or it is as if they were made into a slave
The prisoners were enslaved by the tyrant, forced to labor under harsh conditions.
To be materially enslaved means to be controlled or limited by one's possessions or material goods, to the point where those items have a negative impact on one's freedom, choices, or overall well-being. This can manifest in excessive debt, overconsumption, or a sense of dependence on material objects for happiness.
In 1750, enslaved individuals lived on plantations, in cities, or in households owned by their enslavers. Enslaved people were owned as property and were forced to live and work where their owners directed them.
The law that considered enslaved Africans as property was called the "Law of Property." This legal framework allowed for the buying and selling of enslaved individuals as commodities and denied them basic human rights.
The state law in 1846 in the United States granted enslaved people the right to file lawsuits against those who had wrongfully enslaved them, allowing them to seek their freedom through legal means.
that they were freed from slavery
Absolutely nothing. They were excluded.
If you enslaved me, I'd be pretty mad, too.
means to be born with slaved parents
The prisoners were enslaved by the tyrant, forced to labor under harsh conditions.
When man enslaved gods
enslaved people are people who are slaves back then during the colonies there had enslaved people who help then with their plantations
Egypt was enslaved by Alexander the Great's army.
Enslaved To The Machine was created in 2001.
The enslaved people came to africa and forced everybody to become like enslaved people
The Portuguese enslaved haiti for funds and money.
number of enslaved people