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To some it's okay to eat, and others say you will die. In any case you can supposes they are both correct. A lot of people I know have eaten snow at least once in their lifetime(including me), but I live in Minnesota so yeah... But anyways snow is frozen ice around a particle of dust. So if you eat to much it is bad for you. Usually it dehydrates you but most just eat more thinking they are just really thirsty not knowing it is actually the snow. It can also freeze the upper part of your esophagus and mouth which is quite bad. But in any case it is okay to eat a little that does no harm. WARNING DO NOT EAT IF ALLERGIC TO DUST!

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Q: What does eating snow do to your body?
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Is eating snow good?

Not if it's yellow;-).

Can eating snow prevent dehydration?

Yes it can. As you eat it, the snow will melt and become water.

Can snow dehidrate you if you eat too much?

No, snow cannot dehydrate you if you consume too much of it, as it is primarily composed of water. However, eating large quantities of snow could potentially lower your body temperature and lead to hypothermia if you are in a cold environment. It is not recommended to eat snow as a source of hydration.

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The Queen , disguised as old hag , tricks Snow White into eating a poisoned apple .

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Eating snow alone is not a sustainable source of nutrition and can actually lower your body temperature. It can lead to hypothermia and dehydration. You would not be able to survive on snow alone for an extended period of time.

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It is better to melt snow before drinking it to ensure it is safe to consume. Eating snow directly can lower body temperature and potentially lead to hypothermia. By melting snow and then drinking it, you can stay hydrated and maintain body temperature.

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Eating a red snow cone does not cause red in bowel movements. This dye is absorbed into the system first.

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Eating the first snow may not necessarily make you sick, but it is not recommended. Snow can contain pollutants and contaminants from the environment, such as chemicals from the air or residues from the ground, which can be harmful if ingested. It's best to avoid eating snow and opt for clean drinking water instead.

Can you melt Snow and drink it?

It is not safe to melt snow and drink it because snow can contain impurities and pollutants from the environment. It is better to melt snow and then purify it through boiling or using a water filter before consuming it.