It likely refers to garnishment for child support and may indicate arrears are also being taken out. YOu can get an answer by calling the payroll office and asking directly.
look on your walmart card. or Check your Paystub
How can I get my paystub’s
is it possible to get a copy of my Wal Mart paystub?
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That is one spelling of the term "paystub" (also "pay stub"), a record of earnings and deductions on a paycheck.
No, your Employer Identification Number (EIN) is not typically listed on your paystub.
There is nothing saying either your or your employers EIN must be on a paystub. many don't include it for several reasons, including your security.
The Class C offset on your paystub is a deduction that reduces your taxable income for Social Security and Medicare taxes.
I am doing a certified payroll report and am not certain what they mean can someone tell me what they mean on the paystub of the employee, FICA, FEDERAL STATE TAX and SDI
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In simple terms, Paystub is an on paper record of your paycheck provided along with each paycheck. Paystub or paycheck stub contains various details related to the paycheck. It mentions the amount which the employee earned and also states the deductions in forms of taxes, insurance, costs and others.