I believe it refers you smoking marijuana from a water pipe apparatus.
Chin chin means a couple different things. It is used in Chinese toasts as in drinking to someone's health. It also means to have a polite conversation as well as small talk. In Japan it is slang for the male genitalia.
It means 'penis'. (Seriously)
It is a nonsense phrase from a nursery rhyme that just means "no." It's "swearing" by the wolf's beard (the hair on his chin).
There are a couple of things that could happen if your betta has a bump on it's chin. It could have a growth that is not normal.
because he has chin disease which is extra meat in the chin (he ate a pinus n it got stuck going down)
A piece of lace just under someone's chin which is attached to the shirt.
Yes. The chin is inferior to the mouth, and the mouth is superior to the chin.
It means, 'really?'
The cast of Chin Up - 2011 includes: Angela Dee as Wendy Andrew Kober as Brian Michael Thieling as Man in Couple
"Chin" in Chinese can have different meanings depending on the context. It can refer to 金 (jīn), which means "gold," or 禁 (jìn), which means "forbidden" or "prohibition." It's essential to understand the surrounding words to determine the correct meaning of "chin" in Chinese.
it means the male testes are situated on the chin