Hydronated and Constepated
he was constepated
only if you eat corn and get very constepated
if you look on Google there is but they're really expensive but they do exist and i am going to buy one off of e bay they're 1000000000000 quid im rich and i like Hannah Montana i think shes uncool (that's un constepated overated overhated loser) unts unts unts unts unts unts unts unts unts and i reallly need the toilet right now do not disturb i like disturbed do you you know the band right unts unts unts unts
Most of the ships in this time carried dried meat, hard biscuits, and water. They would also have supplies for ship repair and generally one of the sailors was able to repair the ship. There were no bathrooms, baths, sleeping quarters or bunks. It was pretty rough.
Well if ur dating him you should just be yourself. you dont want to risk the relationship.i have a boyfriend and i risked it wasnt pretty!Now if you just like him without dating you should tell him a brief hi like "Hey,Whats up?"thing yknow you dont want to do anything that will go off the edge. to impress just flip hair wear lil make up and BE URSELF!!!!!!! i have a boyfriend he loves it when i flip my hair and wear makeup. so does my ex and his friends.FOR THE LAST FRIKIN TIME I WILL SAY JUST BE YOURSELF! NOTHING WILL HAPPEN AND COOL MEANS cONSTEPATED OVERRATED OUT OF STYLE LOSER!! I GO BY THAT SO I HOPE I HELPED!
you mean what you mean
Mean is the average.
It mean what you don't what does it mean.
The arithmetic mean is a weighted mean where each observation is given the same weight.
A rabbit that is not pooping or eating may be experiencing a gastrointestinal issue such as blockage, infection, or dental problems. It is important to seek immediate veterinary care as this can be life-threatening for rabbits. Stress, dietary changes, or pain can also cause a rabbit to stop eating or pooping.
Ah, the 12 Chinese zodiac animals are like a beautiful painting with each animal representing different qualities and characteristics. They are Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. Each animal brings its own unique energy and traits, creating a harmonious balance when they come together. Just like in nature, each animal plays a special role in the world around us.