It basically means that if you aren't on an unlimited text messaging plan, you will probably be charged for the text messages. This varies based on your plan.
Carrier charges refer to the fees that a telecommunications company or service provider charges for delivering a service, such as phone calls, text messages, or data usage. These charges may include subscription fees, usage fees, and additional fees for services like international calls or premium features.
I think not. It seems unlikely that a provider would be limited to the rates of an insurance carrier, such as Medicare, of which the patient is not a member.
Fees may apply mean If you have studying the course you must pay the fees. This is called Fees may apply.
It means the data charges you pay for in your data plan apply to whatever it is you're doing- for example, if you send a video or something and it exceeds the data allowed in your plan, you have to pay for sending the video. In other words, whatever you're doing isn't exempt from your data plan.
This service works with most mobile phones with interest access, so the provider's monthly charge should apply, however, the receiving party may be charged according their carrier's rate. Contact your provider for specific charges.
Charges on MT103 transactions can vary depending on the financial institutions involved in the transaction. Typically, the charges may be imposed by the sending bank, intermediary banks, or the receiving bank to cover processing fees associated with the transfer of funds. It's important to check with your bank to understand the specific charges that may apply to your MT103 transaction. is free only on select mobile carriers. Otherwise, you may incur standard browsing charges. Consult your mobile carrier
Electricity charges typically include a combination of fixed charges, based on a customer's connection to the grid, and variable charges, based on actual energy consumption. Variable charges are often calculated based on the amount of kilowatt-hours used, while fixed charges cover the cost of maintaining the infrastructure. Additional charges may apply for peak-hour usage or renewable energy programs.
Yes. It's 1-818-748-8887 It says that long distance charges may apply.
Most of them, but not all. There are Downloadable songs which can be downloaded for free, but data charges may still apply.
Using the personal hotspot feature on your phone may incur additional charges depending on your mobile carrier's data plan. It typically uses data from your existing data plan, so if you exceed your data limit, you may face overage charges. It's advisable to check with your carrier about the specific costs associated with using the personal hotspot feature.
Unclassified charges refer to expenses that cannot be specifically categorized or assigned to a particular account. These charges may not fit into existing budget categories or require further investigation to properly allocate them.