See the Urban Dictionary related link. It depends on context. If it does not make sense as a verb. To ban is to prohibit. It may be possible to ban (prohibit or block) certain phone numbers from texting to your phone. Or somebody could decide to ban your phone number from texting to them. There is also an acronym for the letters B A N, which could be the meaning if the other meaning does not make sense. I won't repeat here, as it's derogatory, but refer to the related link.
Laughing my freaking *** off.
Love my mother f***ing life! Just figured that out!!
mj means michael jackson or michael jorden or something innapropreit
Pain in *ss
In text messaging, "NK" typically stands for "no kidding."
No comment!
Cry out loud
It means hate
Oh boy
will call back
"I love you"
good to see you
Tons of Yorkies.
The abbreviation "ph" is commonly used in text messaging and online communication to mean "personal hygiene."