There is no bad Santa, only a good Santa. Good Santa does not bring gifts to bad children. Instead he brings bad presents, such as coal or maybe nothing at all. The best way to prevent this is to be a good child all year long.
Bad Santa may bring disappointment, fear, and a negative view of the holiday season for children. Instead of spreading joy and cheer, a bad Santa can create unhappy memories and undermine the magic of Christmas.
santa santa
Socks and undies
Why Santa Claus is in the North Pole making gifts for the good children and bad children!
I always heard that Santa brought what children wanted, no matter where they lived.
Homeless children have no place for Santa to leave gifts. They can find theirs at many local charity organizations and urban community centers.
He is the "punishing Santa", who punishes the bad children. (naughty man)
The real Santa Claus is, yes. Unfortunately there are a lot of guys in Santa Suits who go around doing bad things... and those ones definitely are not good influences on children.
Santa brings presents to make children happy. Some children don't have a lot of teddys or dolls, and so we also need to share with each other, but Santa does his best to find out what will make each child happy.
The original Santa, called St. Nicholas was a christian, he decided to bring peresents to all of the children on the birthday of Jesus.
Santa Clause is a fictional character of Christmas. He is said to bring children gifts on Christmas eve. He does not use Gmail as a fictional character.
Santa does not bring presents to adults, but adults write his name.