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I thought anorexics didn't eat?

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Q: What does anorexics eat dont mention the calories just say which food do they eat?
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Why is meal so important to anorexics?

Meals are important because they contain food, which has calories. Anorexics try to strictly limit their calorie intake every day.

How does anorexia affect lack of energy?

Because anorexics restrict their food intake, they are under their daily calorie needs. The body uses the calories in food and drink to convert into energy. Without this food, as well as nutritional deficiencies like low iron, anorexics often have low energy.

Do anorexics drink coffee?

Yes, im anorexic & all i drink is water & black coffee. Its calorie free & it gives you that energy that you dont get from food. If you drink flavored coffee, theres tons of calories in there so i stick with black.

Do all anorexics exercise?

Yes. Anorexics will eat some food, but it is often too little to be healthy or very low in calories and fat content.

How quickly do anorexics lose weight if there healthy?

Anorexics are never healthy, you need food to be healthy.

If you chew food but don't swallow it do you still gain the calories?

different food can effect this....but if you don't swallow it you dont gain calories. yep

How does anorexia lose nutrients?

Anorexics are almost always known to restrict food intake. This means low calories, low fats, and low nutrients. When the amount of food daily is being reduced even slightly, certain nutrients are no longer there due to the lack of food. Commonly, anorexics have calcium and protein deficiencies, as dairy and meat products can often be high in calorie and fats.

What should be the norm for calories in food to lose weight?

Easy, dont eat!..

Is trading food stamps legal?

NO ABSOLUTELY NOT. If you trade your food stamps you can be removed from the program.....permanently not to mention you can face jail time. DONT DO IT

If anorexics suddenly eat 2000 calories in one night will they gain weight?

Not exactly. It takes 3,500 extra calories (that you do not burn off) to gain one solid pound of weight. If you eat that many calories, which is probably a considerable amount of food, you will "gain" weight quickly. But most of that is the food and drinks still in your body. That will naturally go down in a day or two as it passes through and out of your body. Also, it does take energy (burning calories) to digest foods, too.

Do anorexics tell others to eat but don't eat themselves?

Some anorexics will try to take the focus off of their lack of eating by baking or cooking food for others, playing with their food, helping younger children eat, and so on.

How do anorexics have relationships with people?

Everywhere you go there's food and there's NO avoiding it, except staying home. Anorexics can't have "normal" relationships because they won't eat with people.