It means that you can be as kind as an angel/ good person. But once you get mad you can be mean or dangerous.
Shotgun Angel was created in 1977.
angel angel love
Oh yeah (3x) i'm angel with a shotgun shotgun shotgun (3x) get out your battles begun are a saint or a sinner... it love a fight than i'll shoud die with my heart on the trigger... they say before u start a war you better know fighting for well baby u are what i adore if love is what u need ,a soider i will beee... my compert er is gone
It means an 'angel' or a 'messenger'.
"Shotgun" means the passenger side.
you must mean "angel on your shoulder" this means that you are protected and looked after.
No. "Tenshi" means angel.
my moms angel or peoples angel
The A stands for Angel
Angel del cielo
Angel in my life.