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It reps the struggle of the people and the man it is the international sign of freedom fighting according to most of the world.

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Q: What does an AK-47 gun tattoo mean?
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What does a AK47 tattoo mean?

I means your a shooter a rebel a killa!!

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What are the release dates for Tales of the Gun - 1998 The AK47?

Tales of the Gun - 1998 The AK47 was released on: USA: 19 July 2010

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What does a gun with wings mean as a tattoo?

Unless it is supposed to be a memorial for a fallen tattoo artist...nothing. Most people get caught up in the whole "what does this design mean", without realizing that most designs are just that...designs. Of course, this is if you are speaking of a tattoo machine that most people erroneously call a "gun". If you mean a literal gun then I have absolutely no clue.

How many bullets are there in ak47 gun?

30 rounds

What is the best gun any policeman has?

AK47! ratatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatat!

What gun is on the cover of COD4?

a ak47 with gernade launcher

What is the real gun equivalent to a Gold Arrow M-185 airsoft gun?

The Ak47

What does a revolver tattoo mean?

the guy cant afford to buy a real gun!!

What is the name of an israeli gun?

They use and AK47 for their primary weapon.

Is CMO22 ak47 airsoft gun to should buy?
