Amelioration in terms of slavery is the policy of improving slave conditions.
An amelioration is an act of ameliorating - of making better or improving.
to expand slavery
The word "chattel" means any item of property other than freehold land. Thus in terms of slavery, slaves are the chattel of the slave owner.
To improve the condition of the slaves also it was a means of delaying emancipation
No, creating a law is one thing, enforcing it, quite another. The laws were made in an effort to improve the treatment of slaves, but the downside was that they weren't enforced. As a result, the condition of slaves didn't change under the Amelioration Acts.
the act of relieving ills and changing for the better.
The opposite of pejoration (worsening) would be amelioration (building, strengthening).
An amelioration is an act of ameliorating - of making better or improving.
In the year 1830, amelioration totally ended so that emancipation could have been achieved.
to expand slavery
No, the word "surly" is not an amelioration. It typically has a negative connotation, meaning bad-tempered or unfriendly. An amelioration is a process where a word's meaning evolves to become more positive over time.
To restrict the growth of slavery
The introduction of new safety measures in the workplace led to the amelioration of employee well-being and productivity.
this failure of amelioration relates to British West Indian history. It led to the emancipation of countries in the British West Indies.