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Drinking alcohol sometimes prevents or reduces gastritis.

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Related questions

What is the medication for gastritis due to consumption of too much alcohol?

the treatment of alchohlic gastritis is ranitidine, sucralfate and anasthetic antacids

Is one glass of red or white wine bad when you have gastritis?

Drinking alcohol (beer, wine or liquor) helps reduce gastritis.

How does gastritis start?

Gastritis results from an infection in the gastrointestinal tract. There is some evidence that the consumption of alcohol reduces the severity of the disease because of its anti-microbial action.

What are the most common symptoms of gastritis?

The most common symptoms of gastritis are indigestion, nausea, vomiting, bloating, and loss of appetite. Gastritis is explained as being an irritation of the stomach lining.

Can you dink alcohol when taking prednisolone?

Yes. But both may cause gastritis or gastric ulcers.

What is a antral gastritis?

Gastritis is the inflammation of the stomach. The antrum is the lower half of the stomach. It is also the part that secrete most of the stomach acid. Antral gastritis is the inflammation of the antrum.

What is all about gastritis?


What is prepyloric gastritis?

pPrepyloric gastritis

What foods are necessary to avoid for a successful Gastritis diet?

Spicy foods, whole milk, alcohol, coffee, sodas and soft drinks, ice cream, orange juice, and beans should be avoided for those hoping to have a successful Gastritis diet.

What is Diagnosis 535.50 gastritis unspecified?

535.50 is the ICD-9 code for gastritis. It means the stomach is irritated. Often acid lower in medications are prescribed, however, avoiding alcohol, aspirin, NSAIDs (like Motrin), smoking and spicy food can also help.

Is gastritis an acute or chronic inflammation of the stomach?

Yes, gastritis is inflammation of the stomach. Gastritis may be acute or chronic.

What is erythematous gastritis?

An inflammation of the stomach is called gastritis. Gastritis can either be acuter chronic, and there is medication that can help with pain.