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Put simply - it means it's your problem ! If you obtain a credit card, you are accountable for any purchases, and responsible for the outstanding balance.

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Q: What does accountability and responsibility mean?
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Is accountability a characteristic of nursing?

Accountability is a characteristic of all professions. In addition, responsibility, and accountability are tightly coupled.

How do you use responsibility and accountability in a sentence?

The word responsibility is a noun which means liability, charge, obligation, duty, trust, or accountability. The word accountability is a noun which means liability, charge, amenability, blame, trust, or responsibility. Example sentences: I had the responsibility for ensuring that all patients' records were kept accurately. I accepted accountability for the patient's records that were misfiled.

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What is the difference between corporate governance and corporate social responsibility?

Corporate governance is for the accountability to shareholders, corporate social responsibility is for the accountability to remaining other stakeholders.

How do you spell responciblity?

The correct spelling is "responsibility" (accountability, or reliability).

What is the meaning of irresponsibility?

Want of, or freedom from, responsibility or accountability.

What are the three stages of accounting?

Responsibility,Empowerment, Accountability

How do you spell respondsableit?

The likely word is "responsibility" (accountability, or having reliability).

What is the concept of accountability today?

Individual or departmental responsibility to perform a certain function. Accountability may be dictated or implied by law, regulation, or agreement

What is electoral accountability?

Electoral accountability is an extreme topic in political figures. The accountability of an electoral can determine the leader of the United States. It is the responsibility of the electoral college to remain accountable to their votes for the people back to the people.

What does 'accountability' mean?

When someone has "accountability", it means they are able to be depended on.