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it all matters, it could mean good-bye for good. hope to see you soon. see you latter is another way of thinking it. just don't read into it. just take it like any other good-bye, for now.

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Q: What does a woman mean when she says see you around?
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What does it mean when a woman says hey stranger?

It's to tease someone they don't see very often about how often they don't see them

What does it mean when your boyfriend says you can see other men?

that it may mean its over or that he is with a woman and needs you to be with a man to stop the guilt. best of luck to you

What does it mean when a woman says to a man It's Not Goodbye But I'll See You Later?

It means it's adios and probably next time you do see her later, she will be with another man, so it might be a good idea to get a new woman for yourself.

What does it mean when someone says they'll come around?

They mean that the person's mood will shift and they will see that whatever the other person has said makes sense.

What does it mean if you get nervous around a woman and whenever you see her your mind spaces out?

Well the obvious answer is you must be attracted to her in some way.

What does it mean when a girl says she becomes happy whenever she sees me?

it means she really likes you! she likes when she gets to see you or be around you.

When a guy says I melt when I am around you what does he mean?

it means he loves you alot and he dosent know what to say when he's around you... EX: "i collapse wen i see u"... :)

Why do boys boss girls around is it they are getting close to them or is it a bad sign?

Not all boys do that. Trust me. But it is in the Bible. God says that the man is the head and the woman is the helper. You see?

What does a guy mean when he says see you soon?

He will see you later...... Simple

What does it mean when a woman says to a man I AM sorry that I AM not your girlfriend?

It means she thinks he's great, and wants to be his girlfriend, but he's either taken, or just doesn't see her in that way....yet?

What does it mean when a woman is constantly wet?

It depends on the woman. See a gynecologist for a more accurate response.